Sunday, September 14, 2014


http://www.jungkookienica.blogspot.comMOVIE BLOG  CASTRO, DANICA 
The story happens when an estranged family of former child prodigies reunites when their father announces he is terminally ill. This family had different past when their father started to walk away and left them when they’re still kids.Royal Tenenbaum explains to his three children, Chas, Margot, and Richie, that he and his wife, Etheline, are separating. Each of the Tenenbaum children achieved great success at a very young age.Twenty-two years later, Royal is kicked out of the hotel he has been living in. Richie travels the world in a crue ship having a breakdown; he writes a letter to Eli saying that he is in love with Margot. Chas has been very protective towards his two sons, Ari and Uzi while his wife Rachael died in a plane crash. Margot the adopted girl is married to a neurologist Raleigh St. Clair whom she hides from smoking. Meanwhile, Etheline’s longtime accountant, Henry Sherman, proposes to her. When Etheline considered a marriage with Henry,  Royal devises a plan to convince Etheline that he has stomach cancer in order to win her and his children’s affections back. He told Etheline about his sickness, moves in, and sets up medical equipment in Richie’s room. Etheline calls each of her children home. Royal learns of Chas’ overprotective nature and decides to take his grandsons out on an adventure involving shoplifting and dogfighting. Upon their return, Chas berates him for endangering his boys. Royal accuses Chas of having a nervous breakdown. Eli, who had an affair with Margo, tells her that Richie loves her. Royal discovers the affair and objects to Margot’s treatment of Raleigh, who confides to Richie his suspicions ofHenry investigates Royal’s cancer claim and discovers the hospital had closed years before, his doctor is fake, and that his cancer medication is just  Margot. He and Richie hire a private investigator to spy on her. Henry investigates Royal’s cancer claim and discovers the hospital had closed years before, his doctor is fake, and that his cancer medication is just fake. He confronted Pagoda, and gathered all the family to tell what he had found out; after which, Royal and Pagoda leave. Richie and Raleigh found out the secret behind Margo about smoking and sexual promiscuity.While Raleigh only comments on her smoking, Richie takes the news much harder. He goes into the bathroom, shaves off his beard and most of his hair, and calmly slits his wrists. Dudley finds him in a pool of blood, and Raleigh rushes him to the hospital. Soon after, as the Tenenbaums sit in the waiting room, Raleigh confronts Margot before leaving. Later, Richie escapes the hospital and meets with Margot. They share with each other their secret love and kiss. Royal decides that he wants Etheline to be happy and has arranged for the two of them to be divorced. Before Henry and Etheline’s wedding, Eli, high on alkaloid, crashed his car into the side of the house. However, the boys’ dog, Buckley, is killed in the crash. Enraged, Chas chases Eli through the house; when he catches up to him, the two wrestle to the ground. Eli realizes that he needs serious help and Chas agrees that he needs help as well. Chas thanks Royal for saving his sons and buying a Dalmatian named Sparkplug off the firemen, to replace Buckley. Year’s later, Margot releases a new play based on her family, Raleigh publishes a book on Dudley’s condition, Eli checks himself into rehab in North Dakota, and Richie starts a junior tennis program. Chas is seen as being less overbearing and overprotective of his children. Royal seems to have improved his relationship with all of his children, and seems to be on better terms with Etheline. He has a heart attack and dies at the age of 68, with Chas, who accompanies him in the ambulance on the way to the hospital, as the only witness. The family attends his funeral and leave together after the service. Royal’s epitaph reads that he “Died tragically rescuing his family from the wreckage of a destroyed sinking battleship.”
ROYAL TENENBAUM- A shamelessly insensitive lawyer and a failure as a father.He intentionally shot his son Chas with a BB gun, and consistently and irrelevantly feels he must point out that Margot is his “adopted daughter.” He often took only Richie to dogfights while excluding Chas and Margot. Anderson had Hackman in mind for Royal but the actor was reluctant to take the part, saying he prefers to disappear into a role, instead of having a role fitted for him.

 Etheline Tenenbaum - A noted archaeologist and author, and the mother of the Tenenbaum children, who “makes their education her top priority.” Later on, Ethel finds love with Henry Sherman, her accountant, the complete opposite of her estranged husband Royal.

Chas Tenenbaum - a genius international finance. His father stole from his safe deposit box when he was fourteen. His wife, Rachael Evans Tenenbaum, died in a plane crash and he has since become obsessed with the safety of his sons, Ari and Uzi. He was overprotective towards his sons. He wouldn’t forgive his father after leaving them during their childhood years.

Margot Tenenbaum - A playwright and adopted daughter, Margot once ran away from home for two weeks to meet her birth family and came back with half of one of her fingers missing. She is shown moping in her bathtub, watching television, ignoring her husband. She smokes, unbeknownst to anyone else in her family as she is infamously secretive.

Richie Tenenbaum- A tennis prodigy, Richie is secretly in love with Margot. He ends his successful tennis career with a nervous breakdown on court in front of thousands of fans (the film implies the cause was the marriage of Margot and Raleigh the day before). As the film opens, he has been living on an ocean liner for several months. He drinks bloody mary with pepper throughout the movie, so much so that he carries a capped pepper shaker in his jacket pocket. The character is loosely based on former champion , who shocked the tennis world by retiring at age 26, and wore the same style headband and trademark Fila polo.

Eli Cash- A “friend of the family” since the children were very young, considered Richie’s best friend, Eli has “always wanted to be a Tenenbaum.” Eli has been having an affair with Margot and has a drug problem and The Tenenbaums’ neighbor
HENRY SHERMAN- he is Etheline’s accountant and romantic lover of her. He confronts Royal on his supposed stomach cancer with the family present, revealing that his wife had stomach cancer, and Royal does not show any of the symptoms.
RALEIGH ST. CLAIR- the husband of Margot and a famous neurologist. He is constantly accompanied by his adolescent test subject Dudley Heinsbergen.
PAGODA - he is the friend and servant to the family. An informant for updating Royal’s family. He is an assassin in Kolkata, stabbed Royal. However, he subsequently earned his trust by carrying Royal on his back to the hospital.


The story happened in different places and events but the story happened with one situation. They were connected for  interlocking stories and all connected by a single gun all converge at the end that reveals a complex and tragic story of the lives of humanity around the world and how we truly aren't all that different. In Morocco, a troubled married couple are on vacation trying to work out their differences. Meanwhile, a Moroccan herder buys a rifle for his sons so they can keep the jackals away from his herd. A girl in Japan dealing with rejection, the death of her mother, the emotional distance of her father, her own self-consciousness, and a disability among many other issues, deals with modern life in the enormous metropolis of Tokyo, Japan. Then, on the opposite side of the world the married couple's Mexican nanny takes the couple's 2 children with her to her son's wedding in Mexico, only to come into trouble on the return trip. Combined, it provides a powerful story and an equally powerful looking glass into the lives of seemingly random people around the world and it shows just how connected we really are.

 In Morocco, a shepherd buys a powerful rifle for his sons to protect his herd of goats against jackals attack. The younger decides to test the weapon's range of 3 km and shots an American woman in bus. Her husband is trying the reconciliation of their lives through vacation in Morocco. Due to the incident, in San Diego their Mexican maid travels to Mexico with their children for the marriage of her son. Meanwhile in Tokyo, the police tries to contact the former owner of the rifle, and his daughter that is feeling rejected misunderstand the reason of the investigation.

 Richard and Susan are a couple from San Diego, California who are vacationing in Morocco while their two children are at home with their Mexican housekeeper, Amelia. A rifle finds its way into the hands of a local herdsman's young sons, who recklessly take a shot at a tour bus and hit Susan in the shoulder, causing her severe injury. The distraught Richard calls home to tell Amelia of the situation, who shortly departs for Mexico to attend her son's wedding, with Richard and Susan's children in tow. Disaster thus multiplies, with the situation in Morocco ascribed to terrorists in the media, while Amelia meets with trouble at the Mexican border when she attempts to return to San Diego with Richard and Susan's children. Meanwhile, in Tokyo, a widower tied to the rifle in question, a complex shift of ownership to which the audience is privy, attempts to deal with the memories of his recently deceased wife and his strained relationship with his deaf  teenage daughter.


It affects when the situation happened in connection with a dangerous weapon called rifle where three different  places are involved in the plot. The situation happened in just one day where it created commotions to the people of the story.


 Three interesting short films, each complete in itself joined together in a framework that gradually comes together as the film runs. One about how when an American tourist gets hit by a stray bullet, fired by some skylarking kids in Morocco - the terrorism machine goes into overdrive. Another about the world of a deaf teenager in Japan - have you ever thought how the average rave club appears to someone like that. The third, about a Mexican housekeeper in the US, pushed around to stay at home on the day of her son's wedding, who decides to take the kids with her to Mexico. And the brutality which follows, when each of these goes astray. The theme perhaps is the social desert that children seem to grow up in these days: from the bare hillsides of the High Atlas, to the desert on the Mexico-US border, to equally bleak high-rise urban living. Curiously, the Moroccan family - the young sons who fooled around with guns - seems the most together. The father has it out with the kids quickly and directly. We'd see it as brutal, though he'd see it as effective. A bit slow to watch, though stays in the mind for a while. 


Schindler is unsure of how to run such a business himself, and therefore approaches Itzhak Stern an official at Krakow's Jewish Council who is familiar with business, the Jewish community, and the black market. Stern convinces several Jewish businessmen to loan Schindler the money to open the factory in return for a small share of the product. When the factory opens, Stern is responsible for finding workers. Workers are allowed out of the ghetto and are protected from being sent to concentration camps or being killed. Stern falsifies documents in order to ensure that as many Jews can be employed under Schindler as possible.

During the winter, construction on the new Plaszow concentration camp is completed. Amon Goeth an SS officer in charge of Plaszow, arrives to see its completion. He orders the liquidation of the Krakow ghetto, and families are rounded up and herded outside. Anyone who does not cooperate is shot immediately, as are those who are elderly or ill. The Jews are divided into groups based on who is able to work and who is not. Schindler watches the bloody liquidation with his mistress from the top of a hill and is deeply disturbed by what he sees. Despite his disgust, he makes sure to befriend Goeth in order to ask for the continuation of his factory and supply of workers. He bribes Goeth and is allowed to establish his own sub-camp. Goeth proves to be cruel and prone to random execution.
When Schindler receives word that Goeth must dismantle Plaszow and send the remaining Jews to Auschwitz, he at first intends to leave Poland with his money. However, when he finds himself unable to do so in good conscience, he convinces Goeth to let him purchase his workers back and establish a factory in his hometown in Moravia, away from the violence and mass extermination in Poland. Together, Schindler and Stern compose a long list of the workers that are to be sent to Schindler instead of to Auschwitz. The train with the men from the list arrives safely at Schindler's factory, but the one with the women is accidentally directed to Auschwitz. After receiving word of this, Schindler rushes into action to make sure the women are returned safely to Moravia. Meanwhile, the women's heads are shaved and they are sent to an enclosed chamber. Fearing it to be a gas chamber, they all scream in terror as the doors close. They are relieved to find, however, that it is simply a shower room. After bribing an SS officer, Schindler is able to reclaim his train of Jewish female workers and bring them to his factory.

That night, Schindler packs to leave with his wife. As he leaves the factory, he encounters his workers gathered outside. They present to him a gold ring made from a worker's gold dental bridge. It is engraved with the phrase, "Whoever saves one life saves the world entire." Schindler breaks down and cries that he could have saved many more lives had he only tried harder. Stern and the other workers surround him and hug him. After he leaves, the workers sleep outside of the factory gates. They are awoken in the morning by a Soviet officer who tells them that they are liberated, but does not provide any information about where they should go. They walk to a nearby town in search of food.
There are a few scenes that show post-war events, including one that features the execution of Amon Goeth. Titles run across the screen explaining the Schindlers' future. The film concludes in color and in the present. Actors escort their real-life counterparts in a procession past Schindler's grave. Each pair of people lays a stone on the grave to show their respect. At the end,  lays a rose in the middle of the grave.



OSKAR SCHINDLER-  a German businessman, member of Nazi Party possibly the most famous man who is credited with saving as many as 1,200 Jews during the Holocaust. Schindler is a womanizer and con artist who never hesitates to do something outside the law, such as placing bribes, to get what he wants. However, he develops compassion for the Jews and begins to see his factory workers as humans deserving of life. His compassion ultimately compels him to save them at great personal risk.

AMON GOETH - A Nazi soldier in charge of building of Plaszów work camp. Goeth is a cruel, sadistic man deeply entrenched in Nazi philosophy. Goeth exhibits a true hatred for the Jews, at times shooting them randomly from his balcony high above the labor camp. He and Schindler share many common traits, such as greed and callous self-centeredness, but Goeth gives himself totally to evil and hatred. He is also deeply conflicted, torn between feelings of attraction and disgust for his Jewish maid. Goeth represents the all-consuming hatred of the Nazi Party.

ITZHAK STERN-  Schindler’s Jewish accountant and conscience. Stern is an intelligent man who never loses his pride in the face of the violent and dehumanizing conditions the Jews face under the Nazi regime. He is able to influence the good, moral side of Schindler. Stern is the first to recognize that Schindler’s factory can be a haven for Jews. His paternalistic attitude toward his fellow Jews in the ghetto leads him to take advantage of his position to save those who would otherwise be exterminated. He initially expresses contempt for the materialistic Schindler but gains respect for him as the profiteer changes.

Amon Goeth’s Jewish maid, who lives a tortured life as the object of Goeth’s desire and disgust. Helen Hirsch is a strong woman lost in despair, forced to work for Goeth, whom she despises. She faces brutal, unpredictable beatings at Goeth’s hands and begins to lose hope, accepting the probability of her own death. She is representative of victims who experienced psychological abuse under the Nazi regime.


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